Montreal Greek Film Festival

Greek Roots is a nonprofit, volunteer-based organization committed to helping youth, aged 15-29, connect with their Hellenic heritage, their communities and each other. We are inclusive, welcoming all youth who espouse the values of Hellenism or are interested in learning more about Greece and Greek culture.

If you are of Greek descent or have a fondness for Greece and Greek culture, and are between 15 and 29 years of age, you should sign up below to become a Greek Roots Volunteer. It’s free and will help you gain valuable experience.


Montreal Greek Film Festival

Smyrna My Beloved

FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 2023


Once again, Greek Roots is proud to partner with the Montreal Greek Film Festival for its encore presentation of the movie “Smyrna My Beloved” at 7 pm on Friday, March 10, 2023.

Four volunteers are needed for 1.5 to 4-hour shifts, to welcome and direct guests at Cinema Guzzo Spheretech Cote Vertu and to provide support before, during and after the movie.

  • No skills or previous experience are necessary.
  • If you are under 18 years of age, you will be asked to submit a signed release form from your parent or guardian.
  • Instructions and orientations will be provided closer to the event.
  • You will be provided with clothing/markings to identify you as a volunteer. 
  • To get to the location, we encourage you to carpool or take public transportation
  • Meals/snacks are not provided. Please bring a snack or plan to purchase a meal nearby.
  • We will provide a volunteer confirmation following your service. Please allow up to two weeks to receive your confirmation.

Please complete the form below and choose from the available volunteer opportunities: